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Reviews Cocoonababy nest baby sleep product

Published on July 17th, 2015 | 3488 Views


Review: Cocoonababy nest for reassurance and comfort for newborns

Cocoonababy nest baby mattressI thought I knew it all about essential baby equipment when Baby Boy was due. But then I had a chat to a friend with a younger baby and felt completely out of the loop. She mentioned that everyone in her antenatal group had used a specially designed baby mattress, such as Cocoonababy nest.

As soon as I heard, I started Googling these baby products that hadn’t been on my radar three years ago, and I was thrilled to receive a Cocoonababy nest from Red Castle to review.

It’s become one of our most used baby products so far. Baby Boy, who is now five weeks old, looks incredibly comfortable when sleeping in the Cocoonababy nest, which is an ergonomic cocoon that allows him to sleep in a semi-foetal position and is designed to improve quality and length of sleep.

It must be tough to be born and having to adapt to life in the outside world, and it looks like the curved Cocoonababy mattress can help in the transition period, creating a comfortable place for Baby Boy to sleep and making him feel secure with a velcro band around his tummy.

Cocoonababy, which can be used until baby starts attempting to roll or change position, can be placed in the cot bed, and it then means baby is slightly raised, which is useful in our case because I’m worried about reflux.

This is one of the reasons I like moving the Cocoonababy around the house with me too, and this week we’ve tried it on the activity gym to avoid having Baby Boy lie flat on the floor. I also often place him next to me on the sofa, stroking his head and trying to make him think that he’s still lying in my arms to make him sleep better.

I think Cocoonababy ticks all the right boxes for newborns who may need time to adapt to the outside world and find comfort in sleeping in a curved position–and for parents who may find comfort in the fact that it also offers benefits when it comes to reducing the risk of flat head syndrome and limiting the symptoms of reflux. After all, it’s all about how to get some more sleep!

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