Review: Fun pirate book for girls and boys
Since I have a little girl I wasn’t expecting to be reading much about pirates any time soon. But that was before I realised a pirate book could include cute characters, including girls, a fun-shaped party invitation hidden in an envelope, and a ‘holiday trunk’ with an Hawaii-style pretend pirate hat.
The new Pirate Post book from Ladybird, one of two new additions to the Skullabones Island pirate books series, is a unique and entertaining storybook for young pirate fans. I was so impressed with this book, which I received to review, that I’ve already bought an extra copy to give away to one of Baby Girl’s friends who turns 3.
The book stands out because it features six envelopes with letters and memorabilia, and it’s great fun for little ones to pull out the contents from the envelopes. In addition, the letters also make it possible to sit with the book for longer and read all the letters when there’s time for that, and other times I only read out the actual story and we focus more on pulling out the contents from the holiday trunk envelope – our very favourite of the six envelopes.
Pirate Post: A Swashbuckling Tale with REAL Mail! (£12.99, Ladybird) features bright illustrations and is aimed at children aged 3 and over. There’s also a new sticker activity book for over 3s in the Skullabones Island series, which looks like it will be ideal for travelling.