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♡ London

Published on November 2nd, 2015 | 4447 Views


Visiting The Baby Spa in London for a calming day out for baby

Individual Pods Baby Spa LondonWith today marking the start of UK’s National Spa Week, I think it’s pretty appropriate to write about Baby Boy’s favourite London spa. It turns out that four-month-old Baby Boy is a bit of a spa fan. Just like his dad he doesn’t mind going for a float and a massage.

He had been invited to Kensington’s The Baby Spa the other week, and went with his first little friend–a four-month-old Baby Girl. The two of them started with a feed in the nursing room in the spa before changing into swim nappies, being weighed and fitted with a flotation device around their necks.

The highlight of the experience was the 15-20 minute float, which followed, offering babies a natural sensory experience that supports brain and physical development. The babies didn’t only look adorable floating around in the jacuzzi-sized pool, but they also looked relaxed and happy.

I feel that Baby Boy is often a bit upset, but in the pool it looked like he was in his element, and my friend who was visiting with her baby from Norway was incredibly impressed, saying it was the best experience ever.

The only thing that troubled me was that I felt bad for not taking Baby Boy earlier. Baby Girl, who is now three years old, went to the Baby Spa six times when she was a baby, starting from after her first vaccinations, and now that I know how Baby Boy thrived in the calm and clean environment at the Baby Spa too I feel rather guilty for not taking him earlier.

Baby Boy, who tends to be the one whining or crying, was even fine when taken up from the pool, and it looked like he also enjoyed his baby massage session after the float. For one of the first times ever he had a peaceful two and a half hour long lunchtime nap. This really was the perfect day out for him – and that’s why calling The Baby Spa to book him in for a new session is at the top of my to-do list today. Only the best for baby!

Babies from 2 days old to 6 months old can visit The Baby Spa, with babies who haven’t had their immunisations going in individual pods and babies who’ve had their immunisations going in the large spa pool

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