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Published on April 22nd, 2017 | 4744 Views


3 of our favourite dress-up apps for young children

Sticker Dolly Dressing
We seldom travel without a Sticker Dolly Dressing sticker book for Big Girl, and over Easter she’s finished Sticker Dolly Dressing Best Friends (Usborne, £6.99 ) and started Sticker Dolly Dressing Princess (Usborne, £6.99 ). She also loves the Sticker Dolly Dressing app  (£3.99), however, and it was the first app I recommended to a friend flying long haul with girls this Easter. There are lots of outfits to choose from, colours, prints, accessories and backgrounds. Entertaining for fans of the books!

Barbie Magical Fashion
Over Easter I’ve downloaded lots more iPhone and iPad apps to try and the one that’s been used the most is the free Barbie dress-up app Barbie Magical Fashion. Since four-year-old Big Girl likes playing with make up and glitter I like that she can do this on the phone in an app sometimes instead of ‘helping’ me! The app features a lot of in-app purchase options, but there are several dolls to dress up, lots of make up options and hair styles in the free version. There are few outfits and backgrounds, however, and for more choice–and to dress up fairies, mermaids and heroes–there are bundles to purchase.

Sago Mini Babies Dress-Up
I’ve started getting lots of photos of four cute little animals in fancy dress on my camera roll. The photos appear after Baby Boy and Big Girl have worked together and taken photos of their creations in the Sago Mini Babies Dress Up app, a child-friendly app that lets children dress up four characters in funny costumes. They can be creative, mix and match accessories and take a photo of the result at the end. I like that this app features no in-app purchases, it is free to download, and it’s a basic dress up app that 22-month-old Baby Boy enjoyed looking at with me when we were last flying. A great first introduction to dress-up apps!

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