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Growing up Spring Flowers

Published on April 30th, 2020 | 3295 Views


3 free sites for improving creative writing skills during lockdown

1. Isadora Moon writing pack
Oxford University Press has released an Isadora Moon Guide to Writing Stories, which is now available for free online and features tips for both beginners and expert writers. The beginner section includes tips on creating characters and deciding on a plot, while the expert section covers descriptive writing.

2. Theatre Centres’s online writing course
Theatre Centre has launched a digital writing course led by professional writers to inspire young people to keep creating during lockdown. Each week the masterclasses cover different aspects of writing, and the first class on the relationship between character and story is available to watch now.

3. Author in Your Classroom podcasts
UK publishing house Puffin, which celebrates its 80th birthday this year, is providing content for Teach Primary’s ‘Author in Your Classroom Podcast’ series on Plazoom, which is aimed at inspiring children to write their own stories.

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