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Growing up Christmas crafts

Published on December 13th, 2015 | 1094 Views


3 ideas for fun Christmas crafts for kids

After we had friends with kids over for some Christmas crafts last year there was paint everywhere–even on white kitchen walls and furniture–and cookie dough smudged into floor tiles. This year, I’ve tried to be more sensible when shopping for Christmas crafts, and instead of having little ones bake, they’ve decorated pre-made cookies, and instead of giving them paint, I’ve had ink pads, stickers and glitter glue available for card making and Christmas decorations.

Here are three not-too-messy Christmas crafts ideas:

Miss Printables Santa letters and printable gift boxes
I recently reviewed pretend play sets from Miss Printables, and the brand also offers Santa letters and thank you note (£1.80) templates and printable Christmas gift box design templates (£4.80) to download and print, which could make nice additions to a Christmas workshop. In terms of the boxes, older children or grown-ups could cut out the printed pieces and fold them by following step-by-step instructions..

Hobbycraft Reindeer Headbands
When some friends were over and had a choice of what to make, reindeer headbands (£0.50 each) from Hobbycraft were the clear favourites among the preschoolers. I found red pom poms to glue on as noses and lots of googly eyes. It was also popular to add glitter stickers and write names with glitter glue on the foam headbands. Fun and easy!

Delicato ready-made gingerbread dough from Scandinavian Kitchen
I’ve bought ready-made gingerbread dough (£2.95) from Scandinavian Kitchen every year in the past few years, and this year we cut out shapes ourselves and had the cookies ready on the table to be decorated. I then offered kids icing and Frozen sprinkles to finish them off. No queue for the oven, easy to manage and popular with young kids!

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