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Published on March 12th, 2019 | 1142 Views


3 new inspiring books for girls

I regularly receive children’s books to review

Amazing Women: Sticker Scenes illustrated by Isabel Munoz (Egmont, £5.99)
Although we love the traditional girly sticker books with princesses and ballerinas, I was very excited to hear about the new Amazing Women: Sticker Scenes book, which I think can make sticker books more fun for older girls too. The book celebrates inspiring women, such as Jane Goodall and Michelle Obama, dedicating a double-page spread with a short introduction to each and an illustrated scene that can be decorated with stickers. The book comes with 170 stickers, and I think it makes for an inspiring and educational activity book for girls aged around 4 to 8. Ideal for keeping children entertained on the go!

Little People, Big Dreams: Maria Montessori by Isabel Sanchez Vergara (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, £9.99)
One of the latest additions to the fast-growing Little People, Big Dreams series is a new picture book about Maria Montessori by Isabel Sanchez Vergara and illustrations by Raquel Martin. With many mini Londoners perhaps having Montessori-inspired toys or teachers using Montessori methods either in nursery or in school, I think this book is particularly interesting and I enjoyed reading more about Montessori’s career as a doctor. In general, I’m a big fan of this book series and I wish we’d had these inspiring books to read when we were growing up. Easily digestible biographies with beautiful illustrations and uplifting stories!

Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders by Kate Pankhurst (Bloomsbury Children’s Books, £11.99)
This winter Kate Pankhurst is back with yet another Fantastically Great Women book, and the latest introduces young readers to an array of empowering women experiencing success in very different fields. With quirky and colourful drawings and inspiring stories about women, I think the Fantastically Great Women series makes for a wonderful addition to any young girl’s book collection.

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