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♡ London

Published on February 9th, 2021 | 3503 Views


3 online half-term events for kids

While the usual museum half-term visits won’t be possible for London families next week, there are a number of virtual options. Here are a couple of examples of what’s on:

History Riot interactive storytelling from Old Royal Naval College
To learn about the history of Greenwich’s attraction Old Royal Naval College, families can book tickets for an interactive History Riot zoom show taking participants back to when the venue was a palace in the Tudor era. Running over half-term, the show Tudor Palace Palaver introduces audiences to Tudor life, as Henry VIII’s mother, Elizabeth of York, visits her palace at Greenwich; Henry’s 10th birthday is being organised and more. The running time is 1 hour and 15 minutes, and tickets are £18 per device. The suggested minimum age is 6 years and adult supervision is recommended at all times. (The Old Royal Naval College website also includes a number of free resources, including a virtual tour of the Painted Hall.) Photo credit: Old Royal Naval College ©ORNC and Jigsaw Design & Publishing 2010 (60)

Holiday to Space online with Royal Observatory Greenwich
Family favourite Ted’s Space Adventure from the Planetarium at the Royal Observatory is going online this half-term, introducing under 7s to our solar system with an animated show and online workshop. The show tells the story about Ted and Plant who travel to different planets to explore what it would be like to live somewhere else than on planet Earth, and participants with UK addresses signing up by 10 February should receive a workshop pack with activity sheets in time for the event. Tickets are £2 per child. There’s also a Mars-themed half-term online activity on the Royal Observatory events calendar (recommended for ages 7+), as well as online planetarium shows.

Decoding Pictures with National Gallery
On Monday 15 February, National Gallery is running a 45-minute Zoom half-term workshop taking audiences on a virtual visit to London’s National Gallery and exploring how artists capture families and friendships. In the session, children can learn about how to uncover clues in paintings, and the event is recommended for children aged 8 and over. Tickets to the event are free.

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