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Published on September 15th, 2018 | 1416 Views


3 reasons it was time to get back to the school run

1. My muscles were aching after I had been on the Ninjago ride at LEGOLAND Windsor. It turned out that waving my arms around frantically when going all in on this 3D ride – where my calm six-year-old ended up with three times as many points as me-was the most exercise I’d done for a while

2. On a Saturday, Daddy T ended up assembling chest of drawers when I thought I had ordered small children’s bedside tables. This is apparently what happens when I try to do furniture shopping on my phone while enjoying a relaxing moment on a sunbed in France. Dimensions didn’t seem too important at the time!

3. I’ve actually finished my beach read. Woohoo!

Bring on the new term!

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