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Growing up Toddler Tea Party

Published on December 18th, 2015 | 1227 Views


3 games to play with preschooler while breastfeeding newborn

‘This is what happens when mum is looking after two kids’

That was the subject line when I emailed Daddy T a photo of three-year-old Big Girl when he was at work and nursery was closed in August. Big Girl had extremely rosy cheeks and lip gloss all over her face. Since then, we’ve come up with a few games we can play together at the same time as I feed Baby Boy and here are our top three suggestions:

1. Pretend nail salon
Let the preschooler give you a pedicure with washable nail polish. You get ‘gorgeous’ nails and baby can feed in peace!

2. Tea party
Sit back and feel like a queen when feeding baby while the little one serves up a delicious tea with water as tea and wooden chicken as nuggets. Perfect if you have any pretend cravings!

3. Pretend antenatal group
Stay on the sofa and invite the preschooler to do the same as you, pretending to feed a baby doll or teddy during the pretend antenatal group meet up. Great way to feel you’re being super social too!

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