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Mummy-time Wilko Creative Play

Published on September 28th, 2015 | 1135 Views


3 things I’ve learnt from other London mums

Mustela Stelatopia Lipid Replenishing BalmMoisturise with Mustela Stelatopia to treat dry skin and eczema
After I wrote about Baby Boy getting eczema in summer, I received an email from another mum, advising me to try Mustela Stelatopia, a range of products designed for babies and children with dry skin with atopic tendencies. The mum wrote that as long as she used Mustela Stelatopia Lipid-Replenishing Balm, a face and body lotion, and Mustela Stelatopia Milky Bath Oil for cleansing the face and body, her two-year-old was eczema free. I received Mustela Stelatopia Lipid-Replenishing Balm to try, and I agree with the other mum. It feels silky smooth and ideal for softening dry skin, and it is also designed to be soothing to itchy skin. It’s the type of product that feels good to use on baby skin since the main ingredients are natural and it is free from parabens, phtalates, perfume and more.

Stock up on art supplies for young children at Wilko
When I had a friend from abroad visiting in April, I took her to Wilko a Friday evening after the children had gone to bed. On the way there we ran into a London friend without kids who was going out, and I felt a bit embarrassed about saying out loud that what I really wanted to show my friend in London wasn’t a fancy restaurant but Wilko on Fulham Broadway. Several mummy friends had recommended the good value craft kits and art material from Wilko, and I had started stocking up on coloured paper, craft kits, paint, stickers and more from Wilko, so I wanted to let my friend do the same. I think Wilko is a great place to go for filling up our shelf with material for creative play, and it’s also pretty genius that Wilko is open late even on weekends.

Slice vegetables and fruit to encourage healthy eating
A friend always has the most amazing tray with sliced vegetables and fruits on her kitchen counter, meaning it is easy for children and adults alike to regularly eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. After being inspired by her I’ve started having sliced carrots, cucumber, apples and pears, for example, in storage containers in the fridge, which works for us, and Baby Girl loves it.

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