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Published on May 31st, 2017 | 1026 Views


3 things my kids can teach me

Teddington Lock1. How to adapt when holidays are cancelled
When our flight to Nice with friends was cancelled on Saturday I expected Big Girl to be in tears, but she continued playing after returning home from Heathrow and seemed equally excited about enjoying a pizza in the park with the friends we were meant to go away with and a boat trip to Teddington Lock the next day. I wish I was as cool and content as Big Girl and Baby Boy!

2. Why hand spinners are awesome
A friend recently told me about the hand spinner craze, and I’ve now noticed hand spinners for sale practically everywhere this week. Big Girl convinced us to buy her one too, and she’s now walking around holding it up on walls and making it spin. Hmm, I wish I shared the same excitement for this thing! 

3. How to be super relaxed
Baby Boy seems to want to taste sand and eat food straight off the table on holiday, while I run around with my wipes. Our attitude is very different, but he looks super happy and relaxed. I know there are times when I need some of his positive vibes!

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