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♡ London

Published on October 19th, 2018 | 886 Views


3 tips for exploring London with school-aged children

1. Identify age-approrpirate maps and activity guides
To get ready for a London staycation, it might be fun to get the kids kitted out with maps and sticker books. We’ve recently bought the pocket-sized Things to Spot in London sticker book (Usborne, £3.99) and the Guy Fox London Children’s Map (£2.95). For a sticker book for older children, I also like Usborne’s Story of London sticker book with more than 120 stickers and information about London through thte history and a page about London today.

2. Plan a fun route
When looking at how to get around London over half-term, I’m trying to avoid the tube in rush hour. Instead, we will be using the River Bus service, which goes from Chelsea Harbour Pier on weekday mornings. I’ve previously collaborated with MBNA Thames Clippers and I’ve found it very practical to travel on the river with children, particularly when going to Greenwich, and next week I’m also planning to travel on the Thames to get to the City. The River Bus might not always be the fastest way to travel, but it can be stress-free and great fun for kids. London also has the Emirates Air Line, which I’m yet to try, but it’s worth remembering that this too connects some attractions.

3. Know where to go
To make the most of visiting London attractions, I often try to remind myself of facts that can help make the visit more enjoyable for the children and investigate which part of an attraction to explore. Many London museums have free online resources aimed at teachers, which can at times be helpful for parents too. Some of the museums are too large to explore in one day and by reading up in advance, we can make sure we go to a gallery that will suit the children. In addition, some of the museums, such as Museum of London, offers short summaries of historic events that are available to download online.

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