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Published on October 23rd, 2018 | 1277 Views


3 tips for making final Walt Disney World holiday preparations 

After all the bookings and plans for a Walt Disney World holiday have been finalised, here are three tips for additional holiday preparations:

1. Rent a buggy and bring a ribbon 
With a sea of buggies in the allocated buggy parking areas, it might help to tie a ribbon to the buggy handle or find another way to make it easy to spot. We kept thinking we’d lost ours as it had been moved several times–even within the stroller parking area. We rented a stroller from Magic Strollers, and I’ll be using them again for the next holiday, as our plans mean it is useful to have one even for our six-year-old. The stroller was waiting for us in the hotel when we checked in, and we returned it to the luggage room in the hotel upon leaving.

2. Buy rain ponchos
With the sometimes unpredictable weather and fun wet rides and water play options, it can be useful to come prepared with ponchos. We ended up using ours both for rides and as a temporary buggy cover, and I’ve bought new ones from Flying Tiger on King’s Road for our next trip (see picture above).

3. Consider ordering a hamper
To create an extra special start to our last holiday, I ordered a Mickey cooler bag with cuddly toys and autograph books, which was delivered to our table at Chef Mickey’s on our first day. The children soon spotted the big bag on our table, and they couldn’t quite believe their luck since their table seemed to be the only one with a hamper. I chose the custom gift builder option from Disney Floral and Gifts for delivery at a restaurant and I’m planning to do the same again next time we go.

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