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Published on March 2nd, 2019 | 1105 Views


3 tips for making the most of World Book Day

1. Read The World Book Day Monster by Adam and Charlotte Guillain (Egmont, £6.99)
World Book Day is quickly becoming an important celebration for the family, and I’m not surprised to see new books focusing on this popular day too. To introduce children to World Book Day, I like The World Book Day Monster by Adam and Charlotte Guillain (Egmont, £6.99), which we received to review. It is another sweet picture book with rhyming text from the duo behind one of my other favourites, The First Egg Hunt (Egmont, £6.99). The new book tells the story about Anna, who first doesn’t know what to dress up as and when she discovers a new book she enjoys and comes as a green monster – a costume sewed by her dad – no one recognises the character. With so much choice for who to be on World Book Day, I think the situation explained in the story will be familiar to many young readers, and the cute book with colourful and charming illustrations by Ada Grey may be useful for preparing children for World Book Day.

2. Look out for the £1 World Book Day books
The £1 World Book Day books are back in bookshops and supermarkets, and children and young people who receive a World Book Day token can choose a free £1 book. If your family doesn’t get a token to choose a free book, it’s worth noting that it’s still possible to buy these new titles for only £1 per book and I’ve bought several this year. They are small and seem ideal for travelling, and include exciting new releases, such as a new Claude book by Alex T Smith and a Hubert Horatio book by Lauren Child.

3. Model reading and read aloud to children
World Book Day is brilliant for inspiring children to read, and I think one way parents can help inspire children to read more is by reading books themselves and reading books aloud. After becoming a mum, I’ve struggled to find time to read books myself, but this winter I’ve sometimes found time to snuggle up on the sofa under a blanket, reading the latest Sophie Kinsella books. We also enjoy reading books aloud to the children, and one of my favourites for reading aloud has included the gift edition of Mary Poppins by PL Travers illustrated by Lauren Child (HarperCollins, £20).

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