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♡ London polar-cub-club-somerset-house

Published on October 12th, 2017 | 3365 Views


3 tips for ice-skating with kids in London

Natural History Museum Ice Rink
The Natural History Museum Ice Rink is the place to go for parents looking for a fun activity for preschoolers in the run up to Christmas, as there is a special offer for skaters aged 4 and under. The parent and toddler sessions are available to book for weekdays before 3pm until 11 December, and these sessions are £11 for a parent and a child aged four and under and include a complimentary drink for both skaters. Natural History Museum Ice Rink is also introducing Penguin Skate Club–Saturday morning lessons for children aged four to eight. The lessons will be available from November to January, and there are 15 places per session. Penguin Skate Club is £8.50 plus £0.85 booking fee, per child, per lesson. There are also a limited number of penguin skate aids at Natural History Museum Ice Rink, which cost £5, available on a first come, first served basis from the skate hire counter and there are also children’s bob skates, twin-bladed skates available for free. Natural History Museum Ice Rink will be open from 26 October to 7 January.

Skate at Somerset House 
For parents looking for a venue where the children can get on the ice without the help of mum and dad, the Polar Cub Club at Skate at Somerset House is the a good option. Last autumn I was gutted to find I had missed out on the 2016 Polar Cub Club sessions for under 8s at Somerset House. When they released more sessions for January, I was quick to book a slot for Big Girl, and it was an opportunity for her to go on the ice without me in the early morning before the venue got busy. The popular Polar Cub Club includes 30-minute sessions for children under eight, and the children get to ice skate in the separate training rink with polar bear stabilisers. There were instructors on the ice with the children, and they would help them get started. Over 8s can take Skate School lessons for different age groups and abilities at Somerset House. Skate at Somerset House will be open from 15 November to 14 January.


Tower of London Ice Rink
For ice skating in a magical setting, Tower of London Ice Rink is another amazing option, and this venue continues to impress me because of the feel I get of skating midst some of London’s iconic sights. There are a limited number of penguin skate aids for young children at Tower of London Ice Rink, and they are available to hire for £5 on a first come, first served basis. Tower of London Ice Rink will be open from 17 November to 2 January (The picture above was taken at a Disney on Ice event I was invited to at Tower of London Ice Rink last year).

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3 Responses to 3 tips for ice-skating with kids in London

  1. Robyn Rose says:

    Hello! Thanks for this post. May I ask, when did they release extra January tickets for the Polar club last year? The only session with availability currently is a date that’s tricky for us and I’m wondering if they’ll do the same this year.

    • Tine says:

      Hi Robyn, I can’t remember when I booked it, but it was much closer to the date. They did, however, mention it in the ticket office when I asked them early in the season last year, so perhaps it’s worth asking if they plan to do the same again this year? Good luck!

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