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♡ London Monkey Music Class

Published on March 25th, 2015 | 2520 Views


3 top baby and toddler drop-in classes in South West London

Monkey Music Open Morning at Chelsea Library
The popular baby and toddler Monkey Music music classes has a not-to-be-missed free open morning in Chelsea Library on King’s Road on Tuesday 31 March at 10.30am, and you only have to show up to attend. It’s a one size fits all morning, so both babies and toddlers are welcome (3 months to 4 years), and the session offers parents and children a brilliant opportunity to experience the fun and engaging Monkey Music classes before signing up for next term.

Sammy Duder Toddler Art Class
Sammy Duder Toddler Art Class in Battersea
Pottery studio Sammy Duder in Battersea offers weekly toddler drop-in art classes from 10-11 on Tuesday mornings. In the class young artists get to make beautiful decorations, such as the tree pictured on the left, which they made this week. It’s best to call to reserve a place for the creative sessions, which are aimed at children aged 2-4 years and cost £10 per person, including free coffee or tea for mums and carers.

Palace Explorers Toddler Class at Fulham Palace
Historic Fulham Palace in Fulham offers a weekly Palace Explorers class for children aged 2-4 on Monday mornings from 10.30-12. The classes cost £3 per child, including a drink and snack, and activities depend on weather, including anything from gardening to dressing up. Each session also includes a walk around the museum or gardens. It is essential to reserve a place to find out about what to wear or bring for the week’s activities.

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