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Activities for toddlers Dr Pandas Hospital App Toddlers

Published on July 27th, 2014 | 1083 Views


3 top iPad apps for toddlers

After  downloading a whole array of kids apps when travelling the other week, we managed to survive the traffic leading up to the Hogarth roundabout, a delayed flight and an uneccessarily long airport transfer. Here are our three favourite apps this summer:

Dr Panda’s Hospital
I received this app to try, and it’s been a big hit with Baby Girl. And Daddy T. And me. The Dr Panda’s Hospital app (see image above) lets little ones look after hospital patients and help them get well–or put a smile on their face by turning on the music, watering their flowers or changing their bed. We love the adorable characters, the fun animations and the fact that Baby Girl seems fascinated by the doctor experience. Dr Panda has a variety of apps for children aged 2 to 4, and we also tried Dr Panda’s Veggie Garden, which I think is brilliant for teaching young children about planting and growing.

Lego Duplo Circus
Lego Duplo has a selection of free apps suitable for young children, and the Circus one lets children run the show, accepting cash for tickets, setting the running order, and deciding on what tricks the clown, the seal and other acts should perform. It’s great entertainment for little ones, and we now regularly do five circus shows in a row when we jump in the car. I also really like the Duplo Ice Cream app, where children can build a boat and help the sweet Duplo rabbit and friends get ice cream on a hot summer day. Very timely!

Wheels on the Bus
The musical adventure app Wheels on the Bus by Duck Duck Moose is based on the popular children’s song with the same name, and it features swishing wipers, jumping fish, barking dogs and more. The song can be sung in a variety of different languages or you can record your own voice or your little one’s voice. We’ve had this app for a long time now, but it continues to be a favourite, so we’ve now also downloaded Old MacDonald by Duck Duck Moose.



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