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Growing up

Published on May 27th, 2016 | 1118 Views


3 top tips for activities to do with kids at home

Holidays are not always super relaxing for parents, which is why I was happy to collaborate with holiday specialist Travelbag on a post, sharing some of my top tips for how to keep kids entertained at home in case the weather isn’t as warm as expected:

1. Get creative
With several fantastic activity box companies offering art or science kits designed to keep children entertained, it is worth planning ahead and stocking up on activities for a rainy day. Trunkaroo is focused on activities to support STEM learning, offering boxes with two art and STEM projects for kids aged 3 to 8, and toucan box, also for the same age group, has some pretty unique themed craft kits for either entertaining little ones at home or on holiday. 
I also regularly stock up on arts kits and sticker books to keep three-year-old Big Girl entertained, and she’s been making several tiaras recently and dressing dolls in the fabulous Sticker Dolly Dressing Fashion Designer series from Usborne–a current favourite with both Big Girl and me. 

2. Start baking
We recently experienced a 10-hour power cut at home, so I wouldn’t mind stocking up the freezer with some fresh goodies. Baking can be fun for children of different ages, and I could see even 11-month Baby Boy enjoying playing with dough now. At play dates in the past, a friend has taught me to make dinosaur bread, using scissors to create the spikes, and we’ve made pizzas, allowing each child to roll out their own pizza and choose their own toppings. Another idea a friend showed me over the weekend was pizza buns, where she would make a large pizza, put on the toppings as usual, but then roll it all up and cut the roll into slices and spread them on an oven tray to bake. Fab for kids.

3. Dress up in mums clothes
On Saturday Daddy T had dressed Big Girl in the morning and when I woke up I noticed she was wearing my t-shirt as a dress. He hadn’t realised it looked a bit off, and wanted to take her out to lunch like that. I didn’t quite agree, but I do love how my clothes are popular fancy dress outfits. If I give her a pile of t shirts sweaters, hats and accessories I don’t wear much, she gets ecstatic, trying everything on and creating different looks. A brilliant activity for keeping her entertained on a rainy day. 

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