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Growing up

Published on November 27th, 2015 | 2406 Views


3 ways to introduce kids to the Nativity story

Pop out and play Nativity StoryAs three-year-old Big Girl seems to think she’s Cinderella in the Nativity play this year, she’s found it a little bit difficult to recognise which character she plays when looking through books on the Nativity. But as practising for the play has been a big part of her everyday life recently, I’ve also enjoyed seeing her interest in learning more about the story of the first Christmas. Here are three resources for learning about the Nativity:

Pop-Out and Play Nativity Story by Holly Sterling
For a book to teach young Children about the Nativity, I really like Pop-Out and Play Nativity Story (Egmont, £7.99), a picture book with pop-out characters at the back to allow children to create a nativity scene after reading the story.  The quality hardback retells the key parts of the story and brings the story to life for a young reader with the nativity scene, and it is a lovely picture book to read at Christmas time and introduce little ones to the background of why we’re celebrating Christmas.

Nativity biscuit tin biscuiteersNativity Christmas biscuit tin from Biscuiteers
When going to a Biscuiteers Christmas event this week, I couldn’t help but notice the wonderful Nativity scene on display, including iced biscuits from the Nativity Christmas biscuit tin (£35), representing the different characters. A tin like this must be pretty ideal for talking about the Nativity story with a little one with a sweet tooth–or as an appropriately-themed treat after doing a fab job at the school play. (There’s 15% off at Biscuiteers today with code FRIDAY15)

Dressing up sticker book: Nativity play from Usborne
When we had friends over for a Christmas craft session recently, the little guests left with the Dressing up sticker book: Nativity play (Usborne, £4.99), which I thought would be a good choice since many of our guests had upcoming Nativity plays. Big Girl has enjoyed sticking on costumes and reading the different parts in her sticker book, and she constantly talks about who her friends play and the costumes they wear. After failing to find Cinderella, however, she’s decided she wants to wear the cute star costume illustrated in the book!

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