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♡ London

Published on February 16th, 2020 | 847 Views


4 author half-term events for kids in London

The Poetry of Nature Workshop with Joseph Coelho at Shakespeare’s Globe
On Thursday 20 February, there’s a poetry workshop with author Joseph Coelho at Shakespeare’s Globe. The one-hour ticketed session is recommended for ages 9 and over and will see Coelho reading poems from his collection A Year of Nature Poems (Wide Eyed Editions, £11.99) and attendees will also get to write their own poems.

Fantastically Great Women Who Saved the Planet with Kate Pankhurst at Shakespeare’s Globe and Southbank Centre
Fantastically Great Women author and illustrator Kate Pankhurst will be speaking to families at Shakespeare’s Globe in a ticketed session on Saturday 22 February at 4pm (recommended for ages 6 and over), and at the Southbank Centre as part of the Imagine Children’s Festival in a ticketed session on Monday 17 February at 3.15pm.

Cerrie Burnell & Friends: A Story of Your Own panel at Southbank Centre
As part of Imagine Children’s Festival, children’s authors Cerrie Burnell, Katie Tsang, Aisha Bushby and Sharna Jackson will discuss their work and how they became authors in a ticketed session, which I’ve been invited to review. The panelists will also each perform a short reading in the one-hour session at 3.15pm on Friday 21 February. This is just one of many author-led events as part of the Imagine Children’s Festival at the Southbank Centre, and the full programme is available online.

Children’s book reading with Konnie Huq at Waterstones King’s Road
On Friday 21 February, Konnie Huq will be in Waterstone on King’s Road to read from her debut novel Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World (Piccadilly Press, £6.99), which follows the adventures of a nine-year-old girl. The event starts at 4pm. Konnie Huq also has a one-hour ticketed session recommended for children aged 7 and over at 3pm on Saturday 22 February at Southbank Centre as part of the Imagine Children’s Festival.

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