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Published on September 10th, 2019 | 901 Views


5 book signing events for kids in London

Book signing of The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch by Tom Fletcher
On Thursday 3 October fans of Tom Fletcher will be flocking to Waterstones Piccadilly, where the author is signing his new book The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch. Tickets for the event, which takes place at 5pm, can be bought for £12.99 and this includes a copy of the new book. Fans will also have an opportunity to have a picture taken with Tom Fletcher, and bring up to one additional children’s book to have signed. The details can be found online HERE. (The photo above shows Tom Fletcher’s first book about The Christmasaurus).

Book signing of Tom Gates: A Spectacular School Trip by Liz Pichon
In celebration of the seventeenth book about schoolboy Tom Gates, author Liz Pichon will be at Waterstones Piccadilly on Thursday 24 October for a children’s biscuit decorating session and book signing. Tickets for the children’s event can be booked for £17 per child and this includes a copy of the new book. The session will be followed by a public signing from 4pm, and it’s also possible to reserve a free place to meet Liz Pichon from this time.

Celebration of Doodle Cat Wears a Cape by Kat Patrick
On Thursday September 12, families can head to Fulham’s Nomad Books for a free event with Kat Patrick, who will be reading from her new book Doodle Cat Wears a Cape (Scribe, £10.99). The storytelling will be followed by a discussion on superpowers and how they can be used to help others.

Celebration ofWe Are the Beaker Girls by Jaqueline Wilson at Alexandra Palace
On Monday 21 October, author Jacqueline Wilson will be at Alexandra Palace for a Penguin Live event at 1pm, where she will talk about her plans for the future of Tracey Beaker in her Beaker series. There will also be an appearance by illustrator Nick Sharrat, who will be inviting children to draw a character from the book with him. Books that have been pre-bought with the tickets, which can be purchased online, will be pre-signed by Jaqueline Wilson.

Book signing of The Fate of Fausto by Oliver Jeffers
On Saturday 14 September picture book author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers will be at Waterstones Kensington to sign copies of his new book The Fate of Fausto (HarperCollins, £16.99), which is a modern-day fable.

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