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Published on September 6th, 2019 | 1059 Views


5 book series for young readers transitioning to chapter books

I regularly receive children’s books to review, and this post includes titles I’ve received to review.

Kitty by Paula Harrison
This month has seen the launch of a new series about a girl called Kitty, who is a superhero with feline powers. Kitty goes on nighttime adventures with her cat friends – the Cat Crew–in Kitty and the Tiger Treasure (Oxford University Press, £5.99) and Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue (Oxford University Press, £5.99). The books, which are just over 100 pages long, are recommended for children aged 5 and over and feature short chapters and sweet illustrations by Jenny Løvlie that will appeal to little pet lovers.

Claude by Alex T Smith 
Charming dog Claude has his own Disney Jr show, and the book series is typically a hit with children transitioning to chapter books. Claude ventures out into the world with his friend Sir Bobblysock as soon as his owners have gone out for the day, and the amusing books feature funny illustrations, short chapters and plenty of illustrations. In Claude in the City by Alex T Smith (Hodder Children’s Books, £5.99), Claude becomes a local hero after accidentally stopping a robbery.

Rabbit & Bear by Julian Gough
The Rabbit & Bear books written by Julian Gough and illustrated by Jim Field is a series with four books that can appeal to both boys and girls. The main characters are the kind and warm Bear and the grumpy Rabbit, and in the books, Bear teaches Rabbit important wisdom about friendship and happiness. The sweet and funny books are beautifully-illustrated with around 100 pages each. The language is straightforward, and readers may even pick up some facts about wildlife in the text. The latest book, Rabbit & Bear A Bite in the Night (Hodder Children’s Books, £9.99), was published in August.

The Princess in Black by Shannon and Dean Hale
With monsters, masks and capes, The Princess in Black books by Shannon and Dean Hale are unexpected princess books with a superhero feel to them. Princess Magnolia turns into Princess in Black when the monster alarm goes off, and in The Princess in Black Takes a Holiday (Walker Books, £6.99), for example, she helps stop a sea monster from eating people. The chapter books are around 100 pages long and feature short sentences and full-colour illustrations by LeUyen Pham.

Gracie La Roo by Marsha Qualey
Charming pig Gracie is a talented swimmer and the youngest member of synchronised swimming team The Water Sprites. In the sweet series, Gracie faces new experiences with her team, learns about friendship, working together and having the confidence to perform. The books feature short chapters and full-colour illustrations by Kristyna Litten (Raintree Publishers, £4.99). In Gracie LaRoo Goes to School, Gracie is feeling nervous when returning to school to speak to the piglets about synchronised swimming.

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