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Published on November 24th, 2014 | 1899 Views


5 Christmas workshop ideas for the whole family

Yesterday we had some Scandinavian friends over for a traditional Norwegian Christmas meal–rice porridge and Ribena–and some fun Christmas activities. Here are 5 ideas for what children and adults can make if you’re planning a Christmas workshop at home:

1. Gingerbread cookies
Buy a ready-made gingerbread dough from Scandinavian Kitchen in Great Titchfield Street and let little ones use cookie cutters to make their own creations. Easy, not too messy and fun!

2. Christmas tree decorations
Hobbycraft has a wide selection of Christmas tree decorations that can be painted. There are cute wooden shapes, Christmassy cardboard ones and more. They also have practical water-based Christmas paint sets and sets with paint brushes.

3. Christmas cards
Making homemade Christmas cards can be fun for both adults and children. Card-making can be done easy with a card-making kit, such as the ones available from Hobbycraft which come with lots of pieces to stick together to make a beautiful card.

4. Christmas crackers
After I moved to the UK I introduced Christmas crackers to my Norwegian family, and we started making them at home the night before Christmas. Many shops offer fun cracker-making kits and you can fill your crackers with what you want. I’ve previously bought the kits from M&S, but this year I bought them from Hobbycraft.

5. Flower decorations
If children are old enough to get on with their art activities, mums can make something special, such as a Christmas wreath. Holly looks stunning in a wreath and you can also buy dried orange or lime slices, cinnamon sticks, and other decorations to combine with holly. If a wreath is too ambitious, try buying an Oasis brick, split it into smaller pieces and make small table arrangements instead (see picture above), which are less time-consuming. Remember to soak the Oasis well before handing them out to guests, and get some floral wire to attach oranges and cinnamon sticks.

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