5 reasons a six-month-old baby is easily excused for frequent night awakenings
1. He says ma-ma-ma. It’s actually cute even at 2am
2. He adds ‘ba-ba-ba’ to his repertoire. With two sounds mastered, it feels like it’s practically possible to have a conversations with Baby Boy. Any time
3. He wants to hold my hand when he falls asleep. This was adorable the first time at least
4. He expresses that he wants a cuddle or to be picked up. With arms reached out, it’s impossible to say no to Baby Boy. A cuddle it is
5. He fails to pick up on social cues and giggles at just about everything. He appears to think I’m trying to be funny when attempting to sleep at 5am and not get up like he may well have decided
You make me smile, Baby Boy!