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Mummy-time Moonpig Flower Bouquet

Published on September 27th, 2014 | 1220 Views


5 reasons to buy flowers for a London mum

I received a beautiful colourful bouquet the other weekend. And I liked it.

It was a sample bouquet I’d been sent from the new collection from Moonpig, where you can order cards, flowers and gifts, and I felt I could get used to being treated to flowers more regularly. Perhaps every weekend. That’s why I’ve put together a quick list for Daddy T, so he can start getting a hang of some of the reasons he might want to buy me some flowers:

1. It’s your wife’s birthday, and you’ve not had a chance to wrap the present – nor to go get it. You’ve simply managed to tell her what the present would be. Perhaps flowers would help make amends?

2. Your toddler ‘calls’ you at work while lying in the street screaming hysterically. It’s just like any other day, but there might be someone at home who’s exhausted. Perhaps it would be nice to have some fresh flowers to look at from the sofa in the evening?

3.Your better half has recently given birth and is sitting at home with tennis ball-sized lumps with milk under her armpits trying to feed a screaming newborn. Perhaps it would be nice to look at some flowers in the process?

4. Your wife’s just realised banana stains are really difficult to get off. Practically impossible. Perhaps some flowers would cheer her up?

5. On the morning of the school bake sale, your wife notices one of the ingredients from the cupcakes she made the night before is still standing on the kitchen worktop, and the cakes look completely miserable and taste even worse than they look. Perhaps she could get some flowers for at least trying to be a domestic goddess?





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