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Travel Plane toy flying

Published on December 18th, 2016 | 1419 Views


5 reasons my trip alone with two kids came off to a bad start  

1. The car we had booked to take us to the airport didn’t turn up. Not cool. 

2. When I’d managed to secure a Hailo to take us instead and we’d been in the cab for 10 minutes, I realised 18-month-old Baby Boy needed a nappy change. 

3. When arriving at the airport and going through security, the buggy was suddenly no longer possible to fold as the rain cover was stuck in the wheels. To add to the excitement Baby Boy and four-year-old Big Girl stuck their heads through the security gate before it was their turn to walk through, causing an alarm to go off and all three of us being taken through extra checks, including body searches, full body scanner and shoe checks. Let’s remember not to do that again.

4. When we finally made it onto the plane, a tired Baby Boy screamed hysterically for what seemed like forever for both me and passengers sitting around us. What happened to starting a flight with a relaxing drink and a favourite magazine?

5. After Baby Boy had later collapsed in my lap and I was feeling completely exhausted, I also fell asleep for a second–but only to be awoken by the stewardess driving the food trolley into the back of my head. 

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