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Mummy-time Tine Baby Angel Wing Onesie

Published on September 27th, 2015 | 965 Views


5 signs my baby is still nowhere near sleeping through the night

1. I put on socks before going to bed because I know I’ll be spending half the night bouncing around with Baby Boy on the cold bedroom floor

2 When I got out of the car in Mayfair last week I felt super organised having remembered to bring the buggy, muslins, baby blanket, baby toys, dummies, change, nappies and wipes. The only bits missing were half my own outfit, Leaving me walking around freezing cold and feeling pretty naked considering the autumn weather

3. When I left Monkey Music at Cineworld with both children in tow the other day, it didn’t matter that it was raining and I had a lot to drag around. I was still more than willing to go add more money to the parking and take the family via Gail’s for a much-needed coffee stop

4. My reflection keeps surprising me, and when going away for a weekend the first time I looked myself in the mirror on the day of our departure was when boarding a plane at Heathrow. That day I had forgotten to put on any make up at all, looking completely white and drained, and I was clinching onto a take away coffee with one hand and pushing Baby Boy in the YoYo with the other

5. On a Sunday Daddy T was away, I had invited a friend with kids over for some Norwegian waffles, clearly failing to remember what a usual afternoon is with two children and that standing next to a waffle iron for an hour could potentially be a bit of an ambitious project

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