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Pregnancy Preparing for baby bathtime

Published on December 19th, 2015 | 939 Views


5 signs dad is looking after baby

1. Soon after leaving I call Daddy T to double check he’s aware he can’t reheat baby milk after heating it once. His response does not exactly calm me, and I desperately try thinking of other ‘obvious’ details I should pass on after more than three years with little ones in the house

2. In the two minutes I dedicate to get ready before going out, I manage to reply to around a dozen questions about whereabouts of nappies, sleeping bags and towels and nap times and feeds

3. When I arrive back home, Baby Boy is dressed in two sleepsuits on top of each other. What’s the thinking behind this new look?

4. Sitting in a cab on my way home, I receive a text saying I really have to be quick, as Baby Boy has been screaming so much. Oh no!

5. The next day I find out Baby Boy had really just been whining for 10 minutes, but it had felt like a lot longer. Probably very true!

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