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Published on April 15th, 2017 | 1020 Views


5 signs it’s the family Easter holiday

1.When I went shopping this week, two out of three pieces I bought were bright yellow, so four-year-old Big Girl now thinks I look like Laa-Laa from Teletubbies. Feeling Eastery!

2. Baby Boy, who’s now 22-months-old, has started saying something that sounds like ‘chocolate’, and Big Girl has this week made several attempts at writing ‘chocolate’. Good work, little ones!

3. After a chocolate egg hunt on Tuesday, we forgot to take the children’s filled Easter baskets home with us, but they’ve surprisingly not asked for them once. I guess it’s only me who feel I can still just about manage a few more eggs!

4. At the beginning of the holiday I spotted a big box of Shopkins on the counter in a small French toy shop, but when I took an excited Big Girl to buy some yesterday they had annoyingly all been sold out. I guess we’re not the only parents buying more toys over the holiday!

5. When we had six more days left of our holiday abroad, there were zero stickers left in the sticker book I had packed for Big Girl and only a few blank pages in the Crayola Colour Wonder book we’d brought. Someone’s been busy!

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