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Published on March 19th, 2016 | 848 Views


5 signs I’m a London mum trying to juggle work and kids

1. I received a text from a friend the other night saying I’d walked off in her boots earlier that day. After a busy morning working, I’d turned up for a play date with both kids in tow and later escaped in my friend’s black ankle boots without realising. Not cool

2. While Baby Boy ensured baguette pieces, a water bottle and toys were flying around The Wolseley at lunchtime the other day a potential employer stopped by for a chat. Just another day as a freelancing mum

3. Yesterday Big Girl and I had to return to our favourite Fulham delicatessen and boulangerie The Chanteroy to pay for the croissants and baguettes we’d gone out to get the day before. Shopping with a hungry three-year-old and not bringing a wallet is not a great plan

4. When I was feeding Baby Boy breakfast the other day I suddenly noticed he was wearing two bibs on top of each other. I’m getting so quick in the mornings I’ve got no idea what’s been ticked off on our get-everyone-out-of-the-house list

5. Daddy T and I, who hardly ever seem to have time to speak, are now suddenly discussing trends in use of complex algos while brushing little teeth. Lovely start to the day

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