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Mummy-time Tine Baby Angel Wing Onesie

Published on July 28th, 2015 | 959 Views


5 signs I’m feeling like a tired new mum

1. When Daddy T asked me why Baby Boy was seeing his GP last week, I couldn’t come up with a decent answer. I had booked the appointment two days earlier and in my exhausted state, two days was too long to remember why we were going there

2. On some days I wake up with no idea of how many times Baby Boy and I’ve been up during the night. It all feels a bit like a dream with frequent awakenings

3. I know it is probably good to opt for decaf coffees for me when breastfeeding, but I’m left with the feeling that if there’s one time in my life when I really could do with a regular coffee to wake me up it would be now

4. I plan a packed schedule, thinking nothing has changed from six weeks ago until now, only to suddenly realise that Baby Boy is actually coming along everywhere I go

5. I’m too tired to write the fifth reason today

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