5 reasons being a mum keeps my workday interesting
1. I may still wear smart business clothes and heels when attending work commitments, but it’s difficult to keep up appearances when my hand wipes feature a colourful Peppa Pig print
2. The other day I found myself turning up to a work conference with a bag I couldn’t close. Half the space was taken up by a cuddly dog meant to bring good luck. Clearly impossible to leave behind!
3. What keeps me up at night is not doing a keynote presentation but the fact that my 4 year old says she’s volunteered us to take over the care of a chick that hatched in school
4.When taking the tube I notoriously go through the buggy turnstile, and end up feeling a bit embarrassed about it when I remember I’m travelling solo
5. When I tried to take some serious notes at an industry event, I found that the pen I grabbed on the way out happened to be a pink glitter gel pen
In the picture above I’m wearing the rose pink Dior Reflected sunglasses I received to review from SmartBuyGlasses.Co.Uk (read review HERE)