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Mummy-time Plane Coastline

Published on June 18th, 2016 | 766 Views


5 signs I’m no longer used to travelling without kids

1. When arriving at Heathrow I had to ask staff if “this mobile boarding pass thing” works now. It didn’t always work when I last travelled solo four years ago, and it’s practically new to me since I’m forced to check-in the traditional way when travelling with kids

2. When going through security, I was thrilled to avoid queuing in the special till for families- and those who can’t quite work out how to scan their boarding cards. Yay, I could get used to this!

3. When planning my trip, I had estimated I would need around one and a half hour at the airport for a 7 am flight, and was surprised to realise that after I’d been through security, browsed all the magazines, checked out the tax free and looked in shops I’d only passed by on previous visits, I still had an hour and 10 minutes to wait for departure 

4. The Heathrow shop I spent the most time in on my day trip abroad was possibly Hamley’s. Old habits die hard 

5. After take off I was super excited to be able to accept a cup of hot tea and I felt I had to make the most of this opportunity and managed to down  three cups of inflight tea. There was no one to spill on and no one to crash into the table. Bliss!

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