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Published on January 1st, 2016 | 605 Views


5 signs last year was the year I became a true London mum

1. I was learning phonics and found myself asking questions like: How do we say W?

2. I was expressing like mad to be able to leave Baby Boy at home with Daddy T and go to the fun Christmas events Big Girl and I had planned, and the most upset I’ve been in ages was when I spilt a bottle of 70 ml with expressed milk on the floor. Not cool

3. One of the last things I did before going on Christmas holiday was to take Baby Boy to the Baby Spa. After all he did love it so much and did deserve some pre-holiday pampering too.

4. When Daddy T and I went to a charity ball, I put in a bid for two lots–one for tickets to KidZania and one for a stay at Four Seasons Disney World

5. I later declined an invitation to go to an event at KidZania because it was set to be the evening before a school assessment. Argh

Image by Julia Boggio

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