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Published on December 9th, 2015 | 1023 Views


5 signs my kid is becoming truly British–and I’m not

1. When Big Girl started combining words between the ages of 1 and 2, I found myself listing ‘oh dear’ as one of the two-word sentences she knew

2. When we were out for lunch the other day she didn’t want the usual kids options of mac and cheese or popcorn chicken, but asked for a roast instead

3. I keep hearing: “No, mummy, that’s not right!’ when I sing Away in a Manger in Norwegian in a last attempt to pass on a bit of Norwegian heritage

4. As Big Girl is chatting away in a perfect British accent, I’ve realised I’m even pronouncing the word ‘with’ incorrectly

5. The other day Big Girl commented that “Christmas pudding is really yummy” and that her grandma needs to make it for the holiday. Eeh, what?

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One Response to 5 signs my kid is becoming truly British–and I’m not

  1. moderatemum says:

    I almost never say ‘Oh dear’ neither does anyone I know, why do we insist on teaching it to toddlers?!

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