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Mummy-time St Clements Muffin

Published on July 28th, 2016 | 1048 Views


5 things I’m glad my kids don’t know yet

1. That saying ‘good-bye’ to a fantastic teacher they’ve seen every day is actually extremely sad. I cried several times after Big Girl finished nursery the other week, but Big Girl, who’s soon to turn four, simply suggested we could FaceTime her teacher instead

2. That chocolate comes in other shapes than eggs and coins. I need to be able to have a chocolate bar in the fridge without anyone stealing it

3. That I eat cake for breakfast. I’m not sure how it happened but I came into a routine of buying a banana and walnut muffin at St Clements every morning. It sounded pretty healthy at first

4. That I’m perfectly capable of spilling my morning latte without their help. I had one holiday without kids where I spilt everything from ketchup to wine every single day – it comes with talking with hands

5. That life isn’t always as rosy as it is in the idyllic world of Sylvania where the charming Sylvanian Families live


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