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Mummy-time Cherry Blossom Flowers

Published on January 2nd, 2018 | 850 Views


5 things I want to continue in 2018

When I looked through Daddy T’s list of New Year’s resolutions from last year, he seemed to have succeeded on practically every single point. When I looked through mine, I’m not sure I had made a significant difference. That’s why I don’t think I need to change much.

Here are 5 things I will carry on working on in the coming year:

1. Have some tea
I always wish there were more hours in a day, and sometimes taking a break and going easy on myself is probably exactly what I need. More tea and more sleep for 2018.

2. Arrange for more one-to-one time with each child
The other day I bought a LEGO Junior building set for Big Boy, so we could all sit and do LEGO together. It didn’t quite work out as planned. I think sometimes I need to try to ensure I have some more one-to-one time with each child instead.

3. Look after myself
I regularly do the school run with no make-up, and I turn up for the morning coffee after having done an unintentional 20-minute run. I would love to dedicate a few more minutes to getting myself ready in the mornings – and start exercising again.

4. Learn more about nutrition
Last year I was invited to several cooking experiences, and I learnt more about some of the new cooking trends, but the next step will be putting some of these new skills into practice. In 2018, I want to continue learning more about ensuring the children eat a varied and balanced diet.

5. Spend more time outdoors
With a Scandinavian background, I should be all about being outdoors in all kind of weather and introducing my kids to a range of outdoor activities. It’s just too easy to skip weatherproof clothing and take the car sometimes. In 2018, I plan to be more adventurous.

Happy New Year!

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