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Travel Ski Gear Children Norway

Published on February 5th, 2017 | 1142 Views


5 tips for taking young children skiing

1. Get organised before you go. It may be difficult to find some equipment in the right sizes for the youngest skiers, and if you plan on renting ski equipment I would call in advance to be on the safe side

2. Opt for waterproofs. Beginner skiers may spend quite a lot of time in wet snow, and everything needs to be waterproof, including mittens. Knitted gloves or fleece mittens are not great for skiing. My favourite brand for ski gloves is Hestra.

3. Consider buying a helmet. Helmets can last for several seasons, and Big Girl is wearing her POCito helmet by POC for the third season this year, as it features a turn-ring size adjustment system. I would also recommend buying a thin balaclava to wear under the helmet to keep kids warm.

4. Layer up with wool. Wool clothes are quick-drying and great for regulating body temperature, making them ideal for wearing on active holidays. WoolLand Norway has become very popular in Norway because they do stylish and functional wool clothes for the whole family that can be worn on their own.

5. Keep expectations low and make it fun. After trying skiing with kids for a third season, I’ve realised that there’s no need to do full days of skiing. If we spend an hour or up to two hours outside in a ski area it’s more than enough for a little one, and the main goal is to play and get used to skis gliding away underneath them. It also helps to be with other children, and for half-term Big Girl will be going to ski school.

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