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Mummy-time Dad Thomas London

Published on July 20th, 2015 | 910 Views


5 top tips for dads to be

1. When it’s certain baby is arriving in the next 12 hours,  it’s not ideal to go to bed at eight o’ clock in the evening, suggesting there’s probably not much to do and decide you need to get some rest to feel better

2. When mum has been on the operating table for two hours for a c-section and hernia repair, it’s not the right time to say you’re feeling “a bit off”

3. When mum is in hospital with a six-hour old baby, stuck in bed after surgery and waiting for you to return to help with the newborn and keep company, it’s really not cool to call with the message that you’ve developed a high fever, resulting in you needing to stay away for two days

4. When you’re having dinner with two mums with young babies, it’s best to avoid saying things like birth is “probably” a bit worse for women than men

5. When mum has had an average of four hours of sleep in the past four weeks and you are back to travelling with work getting undisturbed sleep, going to Wimbledon and team dinners, you might want to steer away from comments like: “You really have to do this because I can’t do this plus work”

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