6 things to pack for a day at a theme park
We recently had two intense theme park days on holiday, and here are some of the things I had packed–or wished I’d packed:
1. Change of clothes
Whether it is falling into a muddy puddle or getting wet on a ride, there always seems to be a reason for changing clothes when visiting a theme park. Sometimes it’s just the socks that need changing after climbing in a shoe-free soft play section of a park, but other times I’m making use of all the spare clothes we’ve brought. I’ve learnt that it’s usually best to be prepared.
2. Rain poncho
Before going to Walt Disney World we bought rain ponchos, and I managed to forget to take them on our last theme park trip. When taking a log fume ride on a day it wasn’t super warm, it would, however, have been a huge benefit to have them. In addition, the weather forecast suddenly changed and we had a day of unexpected rain. Complete poncho weather!
3. Sun protection
A day at a theme park could mean standing in queues in the sun and I always try to carry around sun cream and make sure I pack sunglasses for everyone. In addition, we’ve ended up buying caps for added protection.
4. Water and snacks
For children, we carry drinking bottles with water and snacks. It is so easy to be carried away and postpone mealtimes to get more done in a theme park, and having some back up food is always useful.
5. Portable charger
With many theme parks now offering apps with interactive maps, queue times and event schedules, the mobile phone becomes pretty essential. Battery life is the only issue for many and it can be useful to have a portable charger. In Walt Disney World, there are portable phone charging sets to buy from kiosks, and it’s also possible to plug in a charger in numerous locations around the parks.
6. Buggy
I’ve stopped using a buggy at home, but it’s been a must when we’ve gone to a theme park. In Walt Disney World, I would even rent a buggy for a six-year-old.