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Growing up LOL Surprise Doll Easter Hunt

Published on April 10th, 2017 | 4514 Views


An alternative Easter egg hunt with LOL Surprise Dolls

LOL Surprise Doll Easter Egg HuntIn our house we’ve been gearing up for Easter for two weeks now, and we’ve already had a blast doing three Easter egg hunts in the garden. The first two were with chocolate eggs and the last one was an LOL Surprise-themed hunt.

It had struck me that we had ended up with a lot of chocolates at home, so when I was offered to receive an Easter egg hunt pack from collectible doll series LOL Surprise! it seemed ideal for varying our egg hunts.

LOL Surprise!– launched in the UK earlier this year–has quickly become a favourite with Big Girl. After she received two to review in February, we went to buy more, and she’s been carrying the little dolls, which come with an outfit and bottle, around in her coat pockets in the past few weeks.

For Easter, I think the ball-shaped packaging make LOL Surprise! brilliant for egg hunts. The dolls feature seven layers to unwrap, and they come in a round plastic carry case.

LOL Surprise Doll Unwrapping

For parents who want to organise an Easter egg hunt for girls with more than chocolate eggs, LOL Surprise! is spot on, and there’s a print section on the website with a collector poster and a doll adoption certificate that could be folded up into little prizes or hidden in plastic Easter eggs.

For our Easter kit, we received a colour-in sheet, stickers and a hair clip to hide–all cute to put in empty Easter eggs.

And the actual LOL Surprise! (£7.99) makes a great main prize – at least Big Girl was thrilled when she found hers behind the Magnolia in the garden.

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