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Published on September 22nd, 2012 | 871 Views


Baby gifts from doctors

I hope Baby Girl understands how lucky she is. I can’t remember last time I received anything else than paperwork from my doctor. The most exciting thing I’ve returned home with is probably an invoice printed on coloured paper.

For her, it’s a completely different story. She doesn’t seem to leave a hospital or clinic without a present.

When we were discharged from hospital, she received a Merino Kids gift bag from the Kensington Wing with a value of around £100.  I’m not sure if I was more excited about the Kensington Wing-branded stork and baby gift wrap or the actual content, which included a soft and practical all-in-one suit and sleeping bag.

A few days later, Baby Girl came with me to remove a mole, and even my doctor had a present for her. I enjoyed a cup of tea and some biscuits. She enjoyed her brand new Hello Kitty stroller toy.

The latest addition to her collection of presents from health professionals is the teddy bear she received after taking a blood test at The Doctors Laboratory.

At this rate, she might get confused if we were to leave a clinic without a present. In her world, doctor’s appointments are much the same as press parties are for me. The gift bags are by the exit.

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