Baby’s first soft doll
I’m glad Baby Girl can’t read yet. Her first ever doll came with a tag where it says she doesn’t like dresses. The soft Little Us doll, which we received for free to review, is called Millie, is dressed in a long-sleeved top, trainers and pink leggings and is aimed at pre-school girls (age restriction 2+).
Apparently Millie is a tomboy, so I’m not sure she’ll be thrilled with her new owner, who’s in a dress at least every other day.
But Baby Girl is blissfully unaware of her new friend’s opinions on her dress sense. She smiled at Millie as I pulled her out of the big envelope she came in, and she treated her with the same respect she treats me.
She immediately pulled in Millie’s long brown hair and poked her eyes. The perfect start to a long friendship.