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Published on October 6th, 2013 | 1417 Views


Baby’s fun day out with donkeys and play at Battersea Park Zoo

Donkey Battersea Park Zoo

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2 Responses to Baby’s fun day out with donkeys and play at Battersea Park Zoo

  1. Jen Corlew says:

    Hi! I’ve just discovered your blog and have loved every entry over the last few weeks. I recently went to Battersea Children’s Zoo with my toddler and had a blast. I blogged about my time there too, to encourage other parents to go and also to tell them the best way to get there by public transportation. Please link back if you like it, thanks!

  2. Tine says:

    Thank you, Jen. I’m glad to hear you like the blog! Excellent that you’ve done a post about Battersea Park Children’s Zoo – great with the detailed overview. Tine

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