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Published on January 13th, 2013 | 680 Views


How baby copes with jet lag

Baby Girl is so clever. She must know we’re going to Dubai on our next holiday because she’s already on Dubai time.

It used to be difficult to get her to sleep in the late afternoon, but since we returned from Florida she’s changed. It’s almost like she knew she had to adapt to a new time zone now we’re back. She’s just taken it a bit too far.

Baby Girl seems to think it’s bedtime at four in the afternoon now. Very practical. It makes evenings completely unpredictable. We have no idea when she’s going to wake up.

I’m struggling to wake her up for her five o’ clock bath, so she sleeps a bit too long in the afternoons, making it difficult for her to sleep well after seven. But if she continues like this, I guess it will be easy to travel East with her.

I hope Daddy T sees it too when he’s home today. Baby Girl will just have to do one more day with jet lag to convince him that she is due for a holiday again. After all, that’s what she loves. And Daddy T also knows that only the best is good enough for Baby Girl.

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One Response to How baby copes with jet lag

  1. It’s so difficult to get the timing right for sleep – even under normal circumstances. When I try to plan, my plans are often thwarted. You are a brave lady – I tell you. I will not travel with kids if I don’t absolutely have to.

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