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Growing up art-activities-ballerina

Published on November 8th, 2016 | 2063 Views


Ballerina to hit UK cinemas in December

ballerina-movie-screeningLast night Big Girl went to bed with her teddy in one arm and a film brochure in the other. It was the Ballerina brochure she couldn’t let go of after being very excited about attending a preview screening over the weekend.

We had been invited to the Ballerina event with Royal Academy of Dance, and enjoyed a morning of arts activities, ballerina dress-up and dance followed by the screening of Ballerina, which will be in cinemas over Christmas.

The film is set in 1879 in Paris and tells the story of Felicie and her best friend Victor who escape from an orphanage to follow their dreams. Felicie is determined to become a dancer, and Victor wants to be an inventor, so they go to Paris where their dreams can come true.

Even though it’s an animated film I loved watching the dancing scenes with Felicie showing off her talent, and I liked the fact that the film underlines the importance of working hard and never giving up to get to where you want to be in life.

Four-year-old Big Girl was emotional at times, however, and I encouraged her to look away when Felicie and Victor escaped from the orphanage. There are also some scary characters in the film, such as the mother of Felicie’s rival at a ballet audition, and I’m not surprised Big Girl was on my lap for most of the film.


Despite both Big Girl and I shedding a few tears, Ballerina, coming to UK cinemas on 19 December, has clearly made an impact on Big Girl, and she now commented that she wants to train every day to become a great dancer. She was impressed with ‘how Felicie persevered’ – a word I keep hearing Big Girl use after starting school – and she loved the beautiful clothes Felicie was wearing at the end of the film.

Look out for this sweet and girly dance film to encourage children to never give up!

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