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Published on September 14th, 2012 | 869 Views


Becoming a regular at the GP clinic

When I first started maternity leave, I planned to spend my time off work wisely. I thought I would become a daytime-regular at pram-friendly places like Daylesford Organic and Aubaine.

But instead of becoming a regular at some of my favourite lunch spots, I’ve become a regular at the private GP clinic The Westover in South Kensington. In the last week alone, there’s only one weekday that Baby Girl and I have managed without an appointment.

I think I’m starting to understand why there was a 40% increase in the premium on our family health insurance after Baby Girl was born.

Although I was prepared to spend more time with GPs now that we have a newborn, I wasn’t prepared for the almost daily health checks. It actually seems like I have some sort of medical appointment every day even though I feel we’ve only had a few little hiccups like breastfeeding issues and a mild case of jaundice.

I’ve previously had friends commenting that I have an impressive line-up of contacts in the health sector in London – particularly when seeing that we receive Christmas cards from some.  I wonder what they will say now though. I think it’s clear that we’ll be drastically expanding the health section in our address book.

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