Best sandpits in South West London
After investing in some much-needed buckets and spades, we’re conforming with the unwritten sandpit rules and have started turning up prepared at the top sand play areas in South West London. Here are some of our favourites:
Bishop’s Park
The urban beach in Bishop’s Park in Fulham opened in 2012 in a bid to recreate the seaside atmosphere that the park was historically known for. The area includes a huge sandpit – a beach – and water play features. Baby Girl was extremely excited when we first took her to this massive sand zone, which feels very much like a beach.
Battersea Park Children’s Zoo
One of the reasons we started loving our visits to Battersea Park Children’s Zoo (see picture above), which I’m now a brand ambassador for, was the huge playground and the large sand and water play area. Baby Girl doesn’t seem to tire from playing here – despite sometimes getting wet and needing to change tops – and there’s always a bucket and spade lying around, so we’ve never brought our own toys.
If you’re planning a day out, I was very impressed with the huge sand play area at Hobbledown, a children’s adventure park and farm, in Epsom when we visited earlier this year. We came on a rainy day, so we tried to steer away from the sandpit, but it boasts wooden features and has a fun design. I’ll make sure we set aside time to play in the sandpit at Hobbledown next time we visit.
South Park
When we last went to South Park, Baby Girl didn’t want to go on the swings – which I’ve never seen happen before. She only wanted to play in the sand. The large playground in South Park includes a ‘natural’ sand play area with several large stones that seem to inspire little one’s imagination – and are great to lean up against for tired parents. Next time we go we might even bring some snacks and have a picnic on the grass next to the sandpit!