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Published on September 1st, 2012 | 1168 Views


Black and white toys for infants

Last week another obvious nursery essential arrived in the post. It looks like a big bean bag-type creature in black, white and red, and it has a bell inside. I texted a photo to Grandma N, and I don’t think she was particularly impressed.

But how can you not buy a toy when you hear it is supposed to help brain development and strengthen the nervous system? At least Daddy T was convinced Honeycomb by Stuf Staf was a vital purchase.

Baby Girl, who we’ve been taught will see 20-30cm in the first few weeks and will prefer to look at contrasts like black and white, will surely grow to love her new developmental toy ordered from Little Baby Company.

I plan to place it in front of her when she sits in a bouncing chair or lies on a floor mat during her awake time.

And in the process she will – without even realising it – be preparing for those upcoming school interviews in a few years’ time. How wonderful.

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2 Responses to Black and white toys for infants

  1. Claire says:

    I am glad you posted this – i have bought my little one an infant stimulation mobile for the exact same reason – it isn’t cutesy but hopefully will develop their brain and nervous system in the same way – link is×740473

  2. Tine says:

    That’s clever! Baby Girl does seem to prefer the black and white toys to other stuffed animals, for example, so these types of toys must be good for newborns.

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